Thursday, May 14, 2009

Behind the Scenes with the Big Guys

I recently had the opportunity to work with one of my best friends, Shanead Mueller, on a behind the scenes video. The topic of the video: the Oregon Linemen Calendar. The calendar alone is hilarious. The publication is produced by a former linemen and this years addition was the second annual calendar. The 'models' featured on the monthly calendar pages are both O and D linemen and their personalities match their size!

I decided to pitch a 'making of the calendar' story to Flux Magazine, as I have assumed the roles of Multimedia co-producer for the magazine. Flux took well to the idea and we started filming a majority of the calendar's photo shoots. The candid video that Shanead and I were able to capture made the project unbelievably entertaining. I continue watching some of the clips time and time again and without hesitation still have the same reaction.... I can't help but uncontrollably crack up!

The footage we had to work with, coupled with the fact that I was able to work on a creative project with a friend made the experience enjoyable. Shanead and I were on the same creative page and we were able to have a lot of freedom with the piece. We stamped the final project as a presentation of BoGo Productions. Someday, if we are lucky, BoGo Productions will be a real production company and Shanead and I can continue working together!

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