Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oh What a Season

This spring I took on the head coach responsibilites for the girls varisty lacrosse team at Sheldon High School. This year was my third season with the Sheldon Irish, but my first season as head coach. If I could find the right words to sum up the season in a nut shell, I would, but I can't even begin to express how much I enjoyed this season. There was something different about this year.... was this year different because I had more responsibilty? Because of the group of girls? Or simply because I my love for the sport was renewed?

I can't say for sure, but I will say that something was different this year. I was able to see the girls make significant progess and that was extremely rewarding. I was able to teach a whole group of young athletes how to play lacrosse for their first season, that's exciting. In fact, one of my new comers even made second team all league. Like any competetive team we had our driving forces and due to their success I was able to nominate one girl for All American honors.
Let's talk about responsiblity. Wow! I had 25 girls not only relying on me for at least two hours Mon-Fri, but I also had their full attention and would like to believe I acted as a role model.

I was tough on them, I made them run to the point that they often times hated me. When it was all said and done, they appreciated it... at least I think so. This season was extremely rewarding. Whether I was jumping up and down on the sideline, hearing from parents that I was making an impact on their daughters life, or thinking up new fun ways to present fundental skills - lacrosse football was a hit - the season and our record (11-3) can be deemed a success!

Speaking of success... I was finally able to get the team a little local media coverage! Last winter I had the opportuntiy to intern at KVAL and it just so happened that KVAL's sports department made it to one of your games this season! You can watch the video and see the girls in action!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Behind the Scenes with the Big Guys

I recently had the opportunity to work with one of my best friends, Shanead Mueller, on a behind the scenes video. The topic of the video: the Oregon Linemen Calendar. The calendar alone is hilarious. The publication is produced by a former linemen and this years addition was the second annual calendar. The 'models' featured on the monthly calendar pages are both O and D linemen and their personalities match their size!

I decided to pitch a 'making of the calendar' story to Flux Magazine, as I have assumed the roles of Multimedia co-producer for the magazine. Flux took well to the idea and we started filming a majority of the calendar's photo shoots. The candid video that Shanead and I were able to capture made the project unbelievably entertaining. I continue watching some of the clips time and time again and without hesitation still have the same reaction.... I can't help but uncontrollably crack up!

The footage we had to work with, coupled with the fact that I was able to work on a creative project with a friend made the experience enjoyable. Shanead and I were on the same creative page and we were able to have a lot of freedom with the piece. We stamped the final project as a presentation of BoGo Productions. Someday, if we are lucky, BoGo Productions will be a real production company and Shanead and I can continue working together!

A Small Taste of Oregon News

My rainy winter was consumed by Oregon News and the infamous editing lab in Allen hall 314. I commend the School of Journalism and Communication and Professor Rebecca Force for creating a class curriculum that has been designed to provide students the opportunity to work on a live news show. In my opinion the half hour student produced and directed show gets as close to the real world of TV news as possible while in a class setting. Our class, of about twelve students, worked together in rotational roles to produce a full half hour live news show. We pitched story ideas, were lead by student producers, shot and edited packages, and by the end of the week, two anchors and a sports anchor put their heavy camera makeup on and delivered an Oregon News segment. The class was demanding, stressful, and often frustrating. More importantly, the class was insightful, rewarding, and memorable. We relied heavily on teamwork and worked long nights to meet deadlines. Some of the work I completed over the course of the term has been used for my resume reel. As I embark on the 'real world' my resume reel will accompany a more traditional cover letter and resume. I finally gave in and set up a YouTube channel and several samples of my work done for Oregon News will be available to view! The videos now available to view include a sample of my stand ups from various packages and a segment from the sports block of our final show. Enjoy!